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(a) The Executive Committee shall meet monthly prior to each Representative Council meeting and at other times at the call of the President, with a minimum of eight (8) meetings during the fiscal year. (b) During a year when the officers change, at least one transition meeting between the old and new officers shall be held during the summer to facilitate the change in leadership. (c) Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or at the request of any three (3) members of the Committee. (d) Quorum shall consist of half the voting members plus one.


(a) The Representative Council shall meet at least five (5) times from September through June. (b) Special meetings of the Representative Council may be held upon written request of twenty (20) members of the Representative Council. (c) The date and place of any meeting shall be determined by the President with the approval of the Representative Council.


Section 1

The incoming officers shall take office on the first day of September following the election.

Section 2

Each officer shall be elected for a term of the following:

  • President: 4 Years
  • 1st Vice President: 3 Years
  • 2nd Vice President: 3 Years
  • Secretary: 3 Years
  • Treasurer: 3 Years

Section 3

Any officer appointed to fill an unexpired term who serves in that office for more than half of the association year shall be considered as having served one year.

Section 4

The immediate Past President shall continue as a member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council for the period of one year following the end of their term as President.

Section 5

Four Members-at-Large shall be elected for two-year terms to be elected in the even number years as follows:

  • Member-At_Large: Educational Support Professionals Representative
  • Member-At-Large: Minority Membership Representative
  • Member-At-Large: Local Outreach Coordinator (When there is not a full-time release President)
  • Member At-Large: Workshop Operations Coordinator (When there is not a full-time release President)

Section 6

A member from GCREA will act as a liaison between GCREA and GCEA, said liaison to be appointed by the President, in conjunction with the GCREA President.


Section 1 - PRESIDENT

The President shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings and all meetings of the Representative Council. He/She shall sign all orders drawn upon the treasury. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint all standing and special committees. He/She shall call all meetings, suggest policies and shall be held responsible for the progress and work of the association. The President shall represent the Association before the public either personally or through delegates and shall perform all other functions usually attributed to this office.


In the absence of the President, the 1st Vice-President shall perform all duties belonging to the Office of the President, assist the President as needed, and coordinate all activities of the retirement reception. In the case of a presidential vacancy, the vacancy shall be filled by the First Vice-President in accordance with the succession procedures as noted in Article V: Section 6 of the GCEA Constitution.

In the absence of the President and the 1st Vice-President, the 2nd Vice President shall perform all duties belonging to the Office of the President, assist the President as needed and coordinate all the county activities at the NJEA Convention.

Section 3 - SECRETARY

The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all meetings of the association including the Executive Committee and the Representative Council, and shall maintain official files.As directed by the President, he/ she shall carry on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the association.

Section 4 - TREASURER

The Treasurer shall receive all funds belonging to the association, pay out the same on submission of vouchers approved and signed by the President and Secretary or 1st Vice President, keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures, and shall make a monthly written report and an annual written report at a regular meting of the Association upon receipt of the audit: prepare annual financial statement for publication to members; keep the President and the Representative Council informed of the financial conditions of the association; Chair the budget committee with the drafting of the annual budget; supervise and be responsible for the timely filing of the appropriate state and federal financial forms as required; and provide for an report of all financial records; and shall be bonded under the policy provided by NJEA. (The bank accounts in which all deposits are made shall be in the name of the Association. Notification of the name of the bank in which dues are deposited shall be sent to NJEA. Any change of the bank in which dues are deposited shall be sent to NJEA within thirty (30) days of the change.) (Endorsement of checks shall be limited to endorsements for deposit to the credit of the Association only. No payments in cash (including checks made out to cash) shall be made from funds of the Association. Association bank accounts shall be reconciled by someone other than the treasurer. The book and accounts of the treasurer shall be examined at least once a year.)

Section 5

All Association checks shall be cosigned by the President and treasurer. If either the President or Treasurer is unable to sign, the second signatory shall be the 1st Vice President.

Section 6

Officers and Executive Committee members shall serve their terms so long as they satisfactorily perform the duties of their office. Where an officer or Executive Committee member is guilty of misconduct ( an action detrimental to the welfare of members), or nonperformance of duties, said officer or Executive Committee member may be removed for cause by the Executive Committee and with a recommendation to be considered by a majority vote of the Representative Council.(A) Recommendation for recall shall be made by the submission of a petition containing the signatures of 60% of the membership of the Executive Committee. a. Said petition shall state the name of the officer/Executive Committee member and the reasons for recall (B) The Executive Committee shall notify within two (2) weeks of receiving the petition, in writing, any officer/Executive Committee member who has been recommended for recall. This notice shall include the reasons for recall and a description of the recall process. (C) The officer/Executive Committee member may appeal the recall, in writing, to the Executive Committee, within two (2) weeks after being notified. (D) The Executive Committee shall schedule a hearing within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the written appeal where said member has the right to present evidence, call witnesses and refute the charges of misconduct or nonperformance of duties. At least 60% of the Executive Committee shall be present at said hearing. (E) The report of this hearing, including the recommendation of the Executive Committee, shall be presented to the Representative Council meeting that immediately follows the hearing. Recall of the officer/Executive Committee member shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the Representative Council. (F) The President and/or Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement within a reasonable time frame who shall complete the unexpired term of the recalled member.


Section 1

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the supervision, planning, and the coordination of the GCEA program.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall at the Presidents direction establish an agenda for the Representative Council; propose policies for consideration by the Representative Council; execute policies and programs established by the Representative Council.

Section 3

Whenever the offices of the President and the Vice-Presidents shall become vacant between elections, except as provided in the GCEA Constitution, the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall choose one of their members to serve as President pro-tempore until the Representative Council can fill the vacancies.

Section 4

Shall authorize expenditures within the limits of the budget.

Section 5

Shall transact business of the Association between meetings of the Representative Council.


Section 1

The Representative Council shall approve the budget; set the dues for the Association; act on committee reports; establish the policies of the Association; approve resolutions and other policy statements. It may adopt rules governing the conduct of the Association consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws and it shall be the final judge of the qualifications and election of officers.

Section 2

The Representative Council shall have the power to hold property and funds and to employ a staff for the purpose of the Association.

Section 3

Powers not delegated to the Executive Committee, the officers or other groups in the Association shall be vested in the Representative Council.


Section 1

There shall be five standing committees carrying out the functions outlined below. Each committee shall consist of members representing different groups in the association and appointed by the President, with the advise and consent of the Executive Committee, for the term of the Association officers.

Section 2

Each standing committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson.

1. Legislative Action Team (LAT): The Legislative Action Team (LAT) shall have a broad concern for state and national legislation affecting the interest of the association, its members and the students in the county, and shall work to secure legislation of benefit to our members. It shall participate in political action campaigns and encourage members to vote. The LAT shall be chaired by the NJEA Government Relations & Congressional Contact chairpersons from GCEA.

2. Nominations Committee: The Nominations Committee shall prepare a list of names of candidates to be presented to the Rep Council at the February meeting. The NJEA Elections Committee Rep from GCEA shall chair the nominations committee. No officer of the Association shall serve on the Committee. The Committee shall be formed using the NJEA Elections Rules.

3. Pride Committee: The Pride Committee shall seek to develop public understanding of the purposes and programs of the association and of the values and importance of public education. It shall develop procedures by which the association can work cooperatively with parents and public in civic, fraternal and social organizations and through all available channels of communications. It shall keep the members informed through flyers and newsletters.

4. Budget Committee: The Budget Committee shall propose to the Executive Committee a budget for the Association each year. Members of the Budget Committee shall have full and complete access to all financial and other records of the Association pertinent to the preparation of the annual budget. Members of the Committee including the chair shall be appointed by the President and chaired by the GCEA treasurer.

5. Educational Support Professionals Committee: The Educational Support Professionals Committee shall make recommendations as appropriate to increase the integration of educational support professionals concerns into GCEA policies and program, and thereby enhance the GCEAs image among educational support professionals. In addition, the committee shall make recommendations for events that are designed to enhance GCEAs ability to benefit educational support professionals throughout the county. This committee shall be chaired by the ESP Member-at-Large. Committee members shall be appointed by the chair, in consultation with the President.


Special committees may be appointed by the President as deemed necessary by the Representative Council or the Executive Committee.


Section 1

Dues for part-time members as defined by NJEA will be one-half (1/2) regular dues if they are eligible for this from NJEA. Dues for new members in January shall be one-half (1/2) regular dues if they are eligible for this from NJEA. Any increase in the rate of dues or levy of general or special assessment shall be approved by a majority vote of the Representative Council using the one-person-one-vote principle.

Section 2

The fiscal year of the association shall begin September 1 and end August 31.


The most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for the Association on all questions not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws and such standing rules as the Executive Committee may adopt.

An agenda will be presented at each meeting. The following can be used as a guide:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from previous meeting
  3. President's Report
  4. Treasurer's Report
  5. NJEA Executive Committee Member Report
  6. Action Items
  7. Informational Items / Non-Action Committee Reports
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Other / Local Sharing
  11. For the Good of the Order
  12. Adjournment
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